Tag: automation

The Rise Of The (Self-Replicating) Machines

This article was originally posted on Forbes.com By now, it’s a truism that automation will replace certain careers while leaving others intact. Experts believe the most vulnerable are jobs that require routine, rote tasks: a bookkeeper, a secretary or a factory worker. Each of these involve highly repetitive and predictable duties easily taught to machines. By that logic, roles that require abstract thinking should be… Read more →

4 Ways AI Could Help Shape the Future of Medicine

 This article was originally posted on VentureBeat.com At times, progress occurs so quickly that it’s difficult to separate science fiction from real life. Just five decades ago, computers were massive, unwieldy machines running on punch cards and primitive circuits. Today, a single smartphone has more processing power than the computer used on the Apollo missions. AI has benefited greatly from this explosion in computing… Read more →